‘How to be Creative’ (I)

Sham Cheuk Wai
2 min readMay 3, 2020


‘How to be Creative’ by Liz Dean

1. A play attitude can spark creative ideas. Allow yourself the space to have fun, rather than stepping in to judge your activity. When you play, you’re doing what your brain designed you to do to help you experience happiness and contentment.

2. Play helps to generate positive feelings. It’s easier to be creative when you feel positive.

3. When panic to meet the deadline sets in, we feel blocked. We should spend longer time considering the problem than being solution-driven:

a) Break down the problem into chunks and name each chunk. This helps you to define the elements of the problem while creating some distance between yourself and it.

b) Check your assumptions. Can you break the rules? Cancel an agreement?

c) Changing your environment helps you alter your perspective.

4. If you’re naturally an introvert, try behaving like an extrovert for one day. Plan a day that will take you into maximum contact with people; shop with the intention to communicate with assistants.

Spending one day practicing the behaviour of your opposite mode gets you out of your comfort zone, helping you to see a problem with a fresh perspective.

17年8月 <<經濟日報>> 李韡玲

老去的是年齡, 不老的是氣質。不老的人都讓人見到他們擁有這些特質:

一. 仍然有童真和童心

二. 臉上常有笑容, 注重自己的儀表和談吐, 對人從容有禮

三. 常常緊記久坐多病, 喜歡勞動例如做家務

四. 喜歡學習, 愛四處觀光, 保持好奇心



Sham Cheuk Wai
Sham Cheuk Wai

Written by Sham Cheuk Wai

青山依舊在, 幾度夕陽紅。

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