‘How to Have a Great Life — — 35 Surprisingly simple ways to Success, Fulfillment & Happiness’ (I)
‘How to Have a Great Life — — 35 Surprisingly simple ways to Success, Fulfillment & Happiness’ by Paul McGee
1. Whatever your age, gender, culture, or background, we all have similar needs. We all want to be loved. To belong. To have a sense of purpose.
2. From Einstein: There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle.
It’s important to notice what’s under your nose. To actually take time to stop, pause, and reflect. Be aware of things. Appreciate that instant running water, that hot shower, and those trees that line the street where you live.
3. Strive for excellence. Develop your abilities. Grow in your understanding. But do so from a place of self-acceptance and acknowledgement that, however flawed and fragile you may feel at times, you really are OK.
4. What does putting your own oxygen mask on first look like for you? What breathes life into you? Pause for a moment and think of your top three things.
What did you last do them?
Whatever they are, remember to make them a priority. In a nutshell, ‘Plan Happy’.
5. Every minute you spend wishing you had someone else’s life is a minute spent wasting yours. We all start in different places and we’re all at different stages, so get on with living your life and leave others to lead theirs.
6. It’s purpose, more than pounds in your pocket, that brings the greatest life satisfaction.
7. How do you lose weight? One kilo at a time.
How do you build a relationship? One day at a time.
Perhaps our unhappiness and lack of fulfilment have been due to setting big goals and then not knowing how to achieve them.
Start by doing the small but critical things you need to do every single day. Most of the time, life changes with small, consistent steps that gradually take us where we want to go.
And those small actions add up.
8. We don’t always want life to be ‘easy peasy lemon squeezy’. It’s nice some of the time, but not all the time. Life will become incredibly boring and unfulfilling without some struggles along the way.
薰妮 — 小小燭光
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