‘How to trade in Stocks’(I)
‘How to trade in Stocks’ by Jesse Livermore
Jesse Livermore was like Warren Buffet in the early 20th century. He could put 100 million in the market. This book presents his reflections about trading in stocks correctly. In fact, many suggestions are quoted by the current stock investment book authors. The loyal reader of my blog may know that I have read ‘One up on Wall Street’ by Peter Lynch some time ago. I suspect that Peter Lynch has studied this book by Jesse Livermore before because he used the same terms in Jesse’s book too.
By the way, this book also includes a brief biography of Jesse Livermore. Surprisingly, as a successful stock trader, he killed himself. Perhaps he demanded himself very seriously. You can sense his own expectation between his lines. He is like a stern teacher in this book.
Challenge of Speculation
1. Anyone who is inclined to speculate should look at speculation as a ‘business’ and treat it as such and not regard it as a pure gamble as so many people are apt to do.
2. Do not anticipate and move without market confirmation — — being a little late in your trade is your insurance that you are right or wrong.
3. The investors are the big gamblers. They make a bet, stay with it, and if it goes wrong, they lose it all.
4. An intelligent speculator will recognize the danger signal. He will act promptly to hold his losses to a minimum, awaiting a more favourable opportunity to reenter the market.
一. 愛情, 離不開信任。在一起之後, 如果不能信任對方, 愛情的甜蜜、平安、喜樂和希望, 都只會煙消雲散. 被疑慮沖淡。
二. 信任, 需要建構。兩個人都要努力為這個「信任錢箱」注滿金幣。告訴她你今日過得如何, 有否好好吃飯, 令她安心;
三. 告訴他你今日收到他的早安, 是何種感受。
四. 城市人愈來愈怕說出自己的欣慰, 只懂毫不吝嗇表達怨懟。生活太緊張, 換個角度思考, 苦中一點甜。
Source: https://rusmuseumvrm.ru/reference/classifier/author/rilov_arkadiy_aleksandrovich/index.php?lang=en
Source: https://soviet-art.ru/soviet-artist-arkady-plastov/
Source: https://painting-planet.com/the-first-snow-by-arkady-plastov/
Source: http://www.artnet.com/artists/arkady-alexandrowitsch-plastov/гагры-закат-2_iIxpJtq6c2nzsAiZ5iQg2