‘Intuition Workout’ + luck study

Sham Cheuk Wai
5 min readMay 4, 2024

‘Intuition Workout’ by Nancy Rosanoff

Understanding your Fears: You may know that it is time for you to receive a raise in salary, but because you are afraid to ask for it, you do not. That fear can be seen as a fear of your Intuition.

Sometimes we need to push ourselves a little to try something, even though we are afraid to break the ‘Fear Barrier’. Remember that courage is the ability to act — — even when you are afraid.

Danger is something that is an immediate experience. It has to do with the present. We may notice a leak in the gas pipe and recognize it as dangerous, or we may be driving in a snowstorm and recognize that we need to be careful. These are real dangers.

Fear usually revolves around a future we cannot know, based on a past that has already happened. You can recognize danger and take precautions, but fear merely drains and paralyzes you.

Building confidence: Confidence is the ability to be comfortable with yourself, whether you are right or wrong, whether you need to go ahead with something or let it go.
When your confidence increases, your intuition, making no judgments, remaining neutral, can then freely communicate to you.

Our Expert Mind: Before we can learn anything, we have to have an empty mind.
The Beginner’s Mind is the empty mind. It means that we do everything we do as if it were the first time we were doing it.
With Beginner’s Mind, we can appreciate the beauty of each moment and be alert to what is happening this particular time, even with something we have done a million times before.

We can have direction and still live in the present moment. We should avoid the state when what we are doing right now is overwhelmed by our thoughts about the past or future.

Intuition is always in the present moment, and will always give us a fresh approach to an old situation. We all have an Expert Mind and a Beginner’s Mind. The Expert Mind focuses on what has been done before, and what will probably happen based on past experience. The Beginner’s Mind is involved with what is happening as if it were the first time. Creativity and innovation are spontaneous with the Beginner’s Mind.
In order to listen to Intuition we have to be open to whatever is appropriate. Our expert mind hinders and restricts our intuition.

Applying your intuition: Your intuition is a good source of information and insight. It makes an important contribution to any decision or action. But it is not mandatory to follow it.

Intuition will not go away if you decide to follow another path. What intuition needs is acknowledgment for its contribution to your life. Any repetitive pattern can become a trap, including doing only what your intuition tells you, without taking personal responsibility.

Test your Intuition: We all have a part of the mind that is constantly undermining our Intuition. We may have the following questions:
1) No one else does it this way, so I can’t.
2) No one will believe me. There is no way to sell this to others.
3) This will only fail.
4) Who do I think I am to try this?
5) This is a stupid idea.

This ‘chatterbox’ needs to be acknowledged. We can say to ourselves, ‘I hear you, but right now I am listening to my Intuition. You can quiet down now.’ This way we don’t try to fight our chatterbox.

Doubting questions assume that fears are insurmountable. Spend time looking at what the worst expectations can bring and how you could respond to those situations. When you look at the worst, you can better determine how it could be solved, and whether or not you are willing to take the risk to proceed.

To tell the difference between an ‘impulsive feeling’ and an ‘intuitive knowing’:
An impulse always feels like it has to be done immediately; if you wait, you will miss your opportunity. With an impulse, we feel under pressure to act. After we act impulsively, we feel empty. It did not solve the problem.

An intuition may be compelling, but there is always time to reflect. Intuitions are consistent and persistent. If it is important, you will not forget it, it will keep coming back to you. It will nag you.

Conclusion: Intuition is a valuable source of information. It is not meant to replace logical and rational thinking, but to enhance it. If you work against your intuition, only part of you will be working. Make your intuition your friend. Create a dialogue between the two of you. Listening to intuition can make life an adventure to explore. Enjoy it!

<<幸運與不幸運的法則>> 小野十傳著 許曉平譯

一. 保持積極, 多少有利於掌握命運; 相反, 消極地思考, 終究容易失敗。

二. 雖然有錢一定處於優勢, 但有錢不過只確保了二分之一贏的機率。

三. 要獲得幸運, 必須從以下五個項目中找出最適合自己的生活方式, 並身體力行:
1) 重視協調關係
2) 貫徹服務
3) 命令別人
4) 經常保持謙虛
5) 傳逹知識

重視協調關係: 避免與朋友起糾紛
貫徹服務: 就算身心俱疲, 也隨時以對方的快樂為優先
命令別人: 擺出架勢來處事待人, 不論心中多麼不安, 也要表現堂堂風範。
保持謙虛: 順從權力, 即使心中有不滿, 也不能表現在外。
傳達知識: 做好配角, 參謀的角色

四. 人世間, 努力也不成的例子佔大多數。如果把「努力」當成口頭禪, 會受到周圍的人嫉妒或反感, 只會無謂地破壞了自己的命運。

五. 如果想「這次好像運氣不好」, 將失敗看成是沒得到運氣的眷顧, 能避免白白地傷害自己。

六. 賭博、股票投資和運動等特殊技能都由運氣決定勝負, 如果運氣不連貫, 結果會蒙受損失。

七. 何謂適合自己的工作? 符合以下條件:
1) 做了點事就嶄露頭角
2) 做該領域的工作不感覺疲憊
3) 做完一件事還覺得自己有精力

八. 想開公司, 一開始便投入大筆資金, 是非常危險的。零資金, 不論如何要自己一個人做起, 是成功的鐵則。(作者舉例, 認為魔術師或算命師是零資金的生意。)

九. 養成在真正饑餓時, 才去吃真正喜歡吃的東西, 說得極端一點, 不需要考慮營養均衡與否。因為只有肚子餓時, 想吃的東西, 才是身體需要的。

十. 如果發覺運氣走壞, 就該去祖先墳上掃墓, 如此一來, 壞的發展就會銷聲匿跡。

十一. 修整眉毛, 要節制。

十二. 不要剩餘食物, 全部吸收到體內, 就吻合了幸運的機制。

十三. 如果並非厄運, 也並非幸運的普通狀態, 我們應該滿足, 只要能滿足這樣的狀態, 就能充分地享受幸福的生活。

Here are suggestions a Japanese made concerning bolstering one’s luck. I just translate those that I think are truly important.

· Be optimistic and proactive

· Even if you have money, favourable outcome is only 50%.

· Choose one of the following principles throughout your life

a) Be friendly

b) Put others before your interests

c) Be the leader

d) Be humble

e) Be the one with knowledge

· Attribute your success to luck, not effort. Because millions of people paid effort but failure results.

· Gambling, stock investment and sports all depend on your luck.

· You are doing the right job if you have the following

a) Gain others’ recognition in a short time

b) You don’t feel tired after a day’s work

· Put as little capital as possible for launching a company. Or the risk will be high.

· Only eat food when you feel hungry.

· Sweep the ancestor’s tomb if you are unlucky recently.

· Restrain yourself from trimming your eyebrow.

· Finish your meal whenever possible. (Order less if you are not that hungry — — this is sky_sil24’s suggestion)

· We are in the status of not lucky, not unlucky most of the time. Enjoy and be satisfied.

玫瑰之十一 by 廖小平 from a book ‘水之緣’ published by Bonding Art

