‘Monet — -the artist speaks’
‘Monet — -the artist speaks’ Edited by Genevieve Morgan
Old friends may remember that I used to introduce Claude Monet in my old xanga blog. Since I regard Monet as a successful painter, I borrowed another book about him. I want to understand why he could create such a renowned style: impressionist. Besides, I believe he had acquired invaluable insights through the entire life of painting. This book presents some of his handicrafts and sayings in letters or interviews.
1. The richness I achieve comes from nature, the source of my inspiration. (莫奈把自己的成就歸功於大自然)
2. I have no other wish than to mingle more closely with nature, and I aspire to no other destiny than to work and live in harmony with her laws. (天人合一這養生之道, 遠在法國的他已體會到)
3. You’ll understand, I’m sure, that I’m chasing the merest sliver of colour. It’s my own fault, I want to grasp the intangible. It’s terrible how the light runs out. Colour, any colur, lasts a second, sometimes three or four minutes at most. (他指出了景色隨時間而變化, 他只能盡量抓緊「一剎那的光輝」)
4. I have painted the Seine all my life, at all hours of the day, and in every season… I have never been bored with it: to me it is always different. (有人可能認為整天對著一座山, 會悶得發慌, 但莫奈卻感到非常有趣。)
5. One day I am satisfied, the next day I find it all bad; still I hope that some day I will find some of them good. (他道出了作為一個畫家的微小願望:在眾多作品中總有一些是自己感到滿意的)
Source: https://www.tate.org.uk/art/artworks/bonnard-the-window-n04494
Source: https://www.nga.gov/collection/art-object-page.52155.html