‘Monkey Me and the New Neighbour’
‘Monkey Me and the New Neighbour’ by Timothy Roland
On one hand, Clyde is a normal kid that likes collecting baseball cards. On the other hand, when he concentrated on exciting thoughts, he will turn into a monkey. The author made good use of this ‘magic’ to create a funny story. In this one, Clyde had a new neighbour, his school principal Murphy. One day, he inadvertently saw a burglar stealing Murphy’s cat and a box of baseball cards. He was clever that he knew a monkey could climb on top of the burglar’s van so he turned himself into a monkey. There were some trouble in the process but finally, the burglar was arrested.
The author mingled comic strips with traditional sentences. This makes reading this book rather easy and enjoyable. Besides, he included some messages in the story. In this one, he mentioned that a stern school principal can be nice at home. The principal is stern because she wants to keep the school free of troublemakers. She was just doing her job.
I believe the series ‘Monkey Me’ is a good read for junior primary school students.
1. 西方民主制度的最成功的地方,是令民眾容易相信,由民主選舉產生的政府,是一個屬於人民的,能代表人民的,及為人民服務的政府。
2. 這樣的政府會有認受性(剛選出來的時候),但並不一定有管治能力。
3. 在現實世界,運作得好的商業機構管理班子,甚少是用投票的方式選舉出來的。管理一個國家其實遠比管理一間商業機構複雜,很難想像以民選產生的政府,有能力為晚期資本主義社會去解決那些已積重難返的問題。
Source: https://www.invaluable.com/auction-lot/charles-camoin-bouquet-de-fleurs-bouquet-de-fleurs-719-c-cfd452c8c4
Source: https://www.invaluable.com/auction-lot/charles-camoin-1879-1965-attributed-320-c-14847f4990