‘The Inspirational Leader’
The Inspirational Leader by John Adair
Introduction: There is no failure except in no longer trying. There is no defeat except from within, no insurmountable barrier except our own inherent weakness of purpose.
Leadership characteristics:
1) Enthusiasm
2) Integrity
3) Warmth: a positive emotion, indicating sincere interest in or affection for others
4) Courage
5) Judgement: sound decision-making and problem-solving and estimates of people
6) Tough but fair
Leaders and Managers:
Managers: Reliable, responsible, trustworthy, hard-working, thrifty with scare resources, plan ahead, keep to agreed procedures or systems, are prompt in business, open-minded to change, knowledgeable in their specialties, meticulous, cheerful, fair and courteous in dealings with staff, loyal to the organizations
Leaders: Providing direction, creating teamwork, leading by example and inspiring others.
On vision: A true vision is a blend of imagination with realism. It is the imaginative power to see growth possibilities for the future hidden in the present.
Vision is seeing what life could be like while dealing with life as it is.
Vision is the blazing campfire around which people will gather. It provides light, energy, warmth and unity.
The Parable of Flight: The task of leadership is not to put greatness into humanity but to elicit it. For the greatness is already there.
The Effects of Trust: If you trust people, you may on occasion be let down, but much more often people will respond in ways that fully justify your confidence.
Dealers in Hope: The only way to lead is to show people the future. A leader is a dealer in hope.
A Faith for Leaders: ‘I do accept that I am a worm,’ said Winston Churchill, but, he added with a chuckle, ‘I do believe I am a glow worm.’
Source: https://www.middelheimmuseum.be/en/page/fran%C3%A7ois-pompon-france
Source: https://art.rmngp.fr/fr/library/artworks/francois-pompon_lapin-courant_platre_sculpture-technique_1929
Source: https://arthouse-online.nl/en/-francois-pompon/967-francois-pompon-figurine-sculpture-black-panther-8717202558889.html