The Master Key to riches (I)

Sham Cheuk Wai
3 min readApr 3, 2021


The Master Key to riches by Napoleon Hill

Every adversity carries with it the seed of an equivalent benefit. So, when adversity overtakes you, you begin immediately to search for that ‘seed of an equivalent benefit’ and to germinate it into a full blown flower of opportunity.

A Happy Man’s Creed:
I have found happiness by helping others to find it.
I have sound physical health because I live temperately in all things, and eat only the foods which nature requires for body maintenance.
I hate no man, envy no man, but love all mankind.

The more successful men in all walks of life were, and had always been, men who followed the habit of rendering more service than that for which they were paid.

The power of Definite Purpose:
The starting point of all individual achievement is the adoption of a definite purpose and a definite plan for its attainment.
The power of thought is the only thing over which any person has complete, unquestionable control.
The subconscious portion of the mind is the doorway to Infinite Intelligence, and it responds to one’s demands in exact proportion to the quality of one’s Faith.

Self suggestion: The person who is capable of freeing his mind from all self-imposed limitations, through the mental attitude known as faith, generally finds the solution to all of his problems, regardless of their nature.

The major weakness of most men is that they recognize the obstacles they must surmount without recognizing the spiritual power at their command by which those obstacles may be removed at will.

The surest way to solve one’s personal problems is to find someone with a greater problem and help him to solve it.

Wise men listen much and speak with caution, for they know that a man may always be in the way of learning something of value when he is listening.

The Habit of Going the Extra Mile:
An important principle of success is a willingness to go the extra mile; which means rendering of more and better service than that for which one is paid, and giving it in a positive mental attitude.

No one is compelled to follow the habit of going the extra mile, and seldom is anyone ever requested to render more service than that for which he is paid. Therefore, if the habit is followed it must be adopted on one’s own initiative.

The compensation may come in many different forms. Increased pay is a certainty. Voluntary promotions are inevitable. Favourable working conditions and pleasant human relationships are sure. And these lead to economic security which a man may attain on his own merits.

There are two forms of compensation available to the man who works for wages. One is the wages he receives in money. The other is the skill he attains from his experiences; a form of compensation which often exceeds monetary remuneration, for skill and experience are the worker’ most important stock in trade through which he may promote himself to higher pay and greater responsibilities.

Love, the true Emancipator of Mankind:
There are two types of men who are valuable. One is the fellow who can do something and do it well, without complaining that he is being overworked. The other is the fellow who can get other people to do things well, without complaining.





影片: 前年機場示威四人非法集結暴動罪成囚13及45個月 | Now 新聞

20年9月 <<星島日報>>

1. 法官強調儘管香港市民享有和平集會自由, 但其權利並非絕對。

2. 當示威者採用暴力手段危害和平, 他們須接受法律制裁。

3. 三名被告意圖導致警員受傷, 以阻止他們執行職務, 行為嚴重衝擊法治。

4. 在一場集會中, 當其中一名參與者使用非法暴力, 將會帶動其他人一同犯罪, 導致破壞力倍增。



Sham Cheuk Wai
Sham Cheuk Wai

Written by Sham Cheuk Wai

青山依舊在, 幾度夕陽紅。

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