‘Things No one Taught us about Love’ (II)
This week, we’ll continue with ‘Things No one Taught us about Love’ by Vex King.
11. Rather than trying to change someone, true love says, ‘I see you exactly as you are and choose you joyfully.’
12. Commitment in a relationship means you both promise to help the relationship grow, remaining true to yourself and meeting your needs. And abiding by the rules you agreed to honour together.
13. Love isn’t limited to romance, friendship or kinship. It is the magnet within each being that pulls us towards each other and towards life in the natural world around us.
14. Rising in love manifests as continual daily actions that nurture intimacy. It shows up as curiosity about the other person, who is expanding and blossoming with us.
15. We understand the shape of the mountain and know each other’s abilities and weaknesses. We mindfully tend to our relationship roadmap, ensuring we have a shared trajectory. Using our inner self-love as a compass, we pave new trails, reach new heights and experience the beauty that lives within ourselves, each other and the world around us.
16. To help you tune into the love frequency:
a) repeat positive affirmations in front of a mirror, such as ‘I am beautiful, strong and resilient.’
b) Listen to uplifting songs and listen out for the word love. Or listen to solfeggio frequencies, which are said to provide a significant boost of love and positivity.
c) Close your eyes and visualize giving someone you love a tight hug. Take note of what they’re wearing. Notice how it feels; how they feel. What do they smell like? Can you hear them breathing? Are there any thoughts about love and joy going through your head?
d) Create. Art, in the form of writing, painting, dancing, singing and making music, can all be expressions of pure love.
e) Consume high-vibrational media, i.e. content that’s uplifting, positive, inspiring, thoughtful or promotes personal growth.
f) Wish people well or pray for them.
17. Getting to know yourself deeply will invite more conscious, happy relationships. Without understanding your core values and beliefs, relationships feel confusing and unstable.
18. Self-love might look like:
a) resting
b) hitting the gym
c) visiting a therapist
d) following a passion
e) working with purpose
f) giving the house a clean
g) addressing a harmful habit
h) dancing, singing or creating art
i) donating time or resources to help others
j) unplugging from technology and social media
k) reconnecting with neglected hobbies and interests
19. Self-love is being kind and considerate towards oneself without intentionally being unkind and inconsiderate towards others. Self-love thinks of the end-game, while selfishness looks for instant satisfaction.
20. Self-betrayal looks like:
a) saying ‘yes’ when you want to say ‘no’
b) regularly putting the needs of others before your own.
c) compromising your values to keep others comfortable.