‘Things No one Taught us about Love’ (IV)
This week, we’ll continue with ‘Things No one Taught us about Love’ by Vex King.
34. How you can build self-trust:
a) Keep daily promises to yourself
b) Begin with basic self-care routines like keeping up with your daily schedule, getting enough sleep or taking reflective walks.
c) Celebrate and appreciate yourself for progress made and personal strengths, rather than focusing only on weaknesses and failures. Self-trust has very much to do with acknowledging your victories and believing in your abilities.
35. Dishonesty can begin with little things — — like hiding how much money you’ve spent, or lying about the last two drinks you had on your night out with friends — — until it becomes a habit you adopt to avoid arguments.
36. Life is not something we have to conquer, master and plan, that it is something to experience and explore instead, then we can let go and begin to trust relationship.
37. Be clear about emotional boundaries. e.g. ‘I need some time to myself to recharge after work. Let’s set aside an hour in the evenings just for self-care where we do our own thing.’
Boundaries are a form of self-care. They don’t make you less compassionate but help you keep your relationships healthy without suffocating yourself.
38. The right people won’t feel threatened by your boundaries and will respect you for standing your ground.
39. Healthy relationship includes:
a) My partner will be interested in who I am, the things I care about and my major life choices.
b) It is safe to disagree with my partner without fear of ridicule.
40. Unhealthy relationship expectations include:
a) My partner will bend to my will
b) We will never fight or disagree
c) My partner will never complain about me or the relationship
d) I own my partner’s body and they own mine
Source: https://arthive.com/zh/ivanshishkin/works/33979~The_pond_in_the_old_Park_Sketch_for_the_eponymous_painting
Source: https://gallerix.org/album/Shishkin/pic/glrx-969430541