Winter Movie Suggestions (I)

Sham Cheuk Wai
7 min readJan 3, 2024


1. ‘It’s all about Love’ — — The best of sad ending

It is a story with the background of ‘global frozing’, i.e. snow falling in July New York as well as Africa. In the last minutes of the film, all the Earth is covered by snow. The aircraft that Sean Penn is riding cannot land. The female main character, Claire died in the male main character, Joaquin’s arm. It is undoubtedly a sad ending.

However, the way that the story depicts the change in Joaquin’s mindset makes the audience feel some warmth. Somehow you will be satisfied with the way the movie ends. Joaquin went to see his wife to sign a divorce paper in the beginning. Then he knew that his wife had some trouble. He was determined to pull Claire away from danger. In the last part of film, they danced in the snow and walked together for long long time, searching for a lodge. Miracle did not happen and the director implied that Joaquin died too.

Not everyone can die with loved one in the same place around the same time. In addition, Claire expressed her gratitude to Joaquin. Joaquin hugged her closely. This is why I reckon this is the best sad ending anyone can hope.

Some scenes are pitch-dark. Some are spooky white, like the snowy landscape in the last 30 minute. A ‘head-on’ spotlight on the face of Joaquin is also included in some part. The style is rather artistic, not commonly used in Hollywood movies. Besides, the impact of ‘cloned humans’ is investigated in this movie. You will also learn that to reinforce a relationship, saying/doing something sweet is essential.

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Note: Random reviews that I encounter did not favour this movie. Well, I usually do not use ‘logic’ when watching movies. To be precise, I do not try to understand every phenomenon or strange plot. Instead, I usually look for the interaction between the male and female main character, especially in this kind of complete romance movie. It successfully led me into the director’s world. The change in attitude of Joaquin (business-oriented to relationship-oriented) is smooth. The message is clear: nobody wants to be alone. Love the one you choose.
The issue of ‘anti-gravity’ and diary of Sean Penn wrote up in the air are all side issues. Once you switch the focus, all things become perfect.

2. ‘風暴’ — — 當好人不完全好, 壞人不完全壞

本地出品的警匪片自古至今, 多不勝數, 要拍出新意, 動作場景固然可想一些新的, 但個人認為劇本的深度才是決定整套戲好壞的關鍵。這片成功取得小弟的歡心。

一查本戲導演和編劇, 都是一人擔起 — — 袁錦麟。即是說無須與另一人溝通, 導演就可徹底呈現電影故事的靈魂, 條件是演員明白故事的脈絡, 燈光、攝影等都是’熟手技工’。
唯一人們可能嫌不夠創新的, 應是片中賊人目標是搶劫銀行押款車, 這應是最老土的犯案手段了。除了這點, 其他都是淋漓盡致。例如上半部劉德華與林家棟在兩座唐樓之間架起的鐵網打鬥, 很有意思, 因只要其中一人踢了對手出界, 對手就會從高空墜下。雖然最後兩人都跌下地面, 但晾衣架和帆布簷篷救了他們一命。而在尾段中環畢打街警匪槍戰中, 呂良偉想到炸掉煤氣管地盤,便投下手榴彈, 煤氣爆炸導致地下港鐵層受波及, 環球大廈德輔道中一帶地陷 — — 這都是觀眾意想不到的橋段。

一套戲, 如果你不止記得主角的帥氣或奸詐, 還記得配角的演出, 這戲就肯定是高於平均。戲中林家棟的女友姚晨, 由在監獄門外接林生出冊, 至識破林生藏槍意圖槍劫, 至在後段從電視新聞見到林生逃出畢打街, 直奔安全地方的緊張, 到最後閱讀警方寄來的「林生臥底證明書」, 演出令人信服。另一配角演姜皓文自閉女兒的小演員陳沛妍(網上資料), 她在受賊人嚴刑逼供時記住姜的吩咐, 堅持不出聲, 而受重傷躺在劉德華膝上時的奄奄一息, 非常神似。

說回主題, 劉德華在戲中曾被奸角胡軍稱讚為「奉公守法」, 後來卻起了私心, 企圖嫁禍胡軍是殺死自閉女兒的兇手。一不離二, 當劉被梁烈唯以’車cam’片要脅劉給錢, 否則公開他造假證據後,劉見到梁哮喘發作, 便踢走他的藥物, 梁最終死去。可見劉正一步步陷入作惡的泥沼。然而, 到影片末段, 當劉有機會開槍殺掉林家棟時, 他最後沒扣板機, 也在他被車撞死後, 發一封’臥底證明信’給林的女友姚晨, 兌現了兩人之間的承諾 — — 肯定出於善良的本意。

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另一主角林家棟知道女友懷了別人的孩子, 初時想開槍復仇, 然後便決定與她結婚, 一起撫養孩子 — — 這, 就算是一般好人也難以做到吧。此外, 在尾段槍林彈雨之際, 呂良偉給林一支槍, 吩咐他挾持一個人質, 他沒有遵從, 反而叫的士乘客留在車, 遠離危險, 並打電話確認劉是否依然會發「臥底證明書」, 可見林在那刻已一心想與女友重聚, 打劫之事已拋諸腦後。
以上就是編劇想帶出的主旨吧: 好人不全好, 壞人也有善。

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其實此戲角色眾多, 不是所有都能有多句對白, 我不會說所有演員給人留下印象, 但至少, 能發揮的, 都已傾盡全力了。至於2013年的特技畫面, 小弟不會要求太多。
整體來說, 這戲情理兼備, 動作場景有新意, 是好戲來的。



Sham Cheuk Wai
Sham Cheuk Wai

Written by Sham Cheuk Wai

青山依舊在, 幾度夕陽紅。

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