小弟已刪除了個人Facebook帳戶, 所以現在每逢有空, 會把一些原想上載至面書的貼文轉至這裡, 多謝大家支持!
‘Days of thunder’:
Manage your emotion. Overcome your fear.
It’s probably the moral of this movie. The action scenes are thrilling. The pace is appropriate and the actors are great. One usually is reminded of what happened in the past when similar situation happens again. The main character, Tom Cruise is no exception. He remembered that he was badly injured after going through the smoke of a racing track. However, following the guide (scolding) of his girlfriend, when he went through the smoke in an important race again, he overcame the nightmare and won the race eventually by utilizing wit and courage.
Some shots of this film filled my eyes with tears. In fact, I have watched hundreds of films for nearly ten years. Only few could move me to this extent. This is the reason I recommend this film.
Do not mind the year it was made (1990). It is worth your leisure time.
外國講煮食的電影我看過三、四齣, 這齣的故事最引人入勝, 而且各方面拍得很出色。如果各位曾看過我的facebook的話, 都知道我在過去三兩年都有介紹看過的電影, 但主要都是年代較久遠的, 至少推出已有十年左右。這齣算是「簇新」 — — 2015年出品。我不是故意介紹過氣的作品, 只是因為我光顧的店子, 所賣的都是二手貨物, VCD比例較多, 而我覺得VCD在電腦播放較簡單, 且盒子較省位置, 所以大多購買VCD, 所看的電影自然較舊。
近一年該店開始多賣了DVD, 我間中也會瞧一瞧有何佳品, 這電影正是我剛巧遇上的。
真正的食家大多覺得西菜難度較低, 食材也不及中菜豐富。你何時見到西人吃「乾炒牛河」、「燉豬腳」、「賽螃蟹」? 我相信在熱食方面, 中菜的確較勝一籌。但在甜品和菜式賣相方面, 西菜有其優勝之處。你在看這戲時, 演員在碟上擺放食物的鏡頭不少, 而且食材外觀華美, 讓你感到電影製作的誠意。
電影除了有男女主角的感情戲, 也帶出一些重要訊息。例如: 快餐是一文不值嗎? 廚師做菜其實是為了甚麼? 其實沒有標準答案, 但透過角色的對話, 觀眾一定有所啟發。
整個故事結構紮實,男主角在戲中心路歷程的變化也許是這戲的核心。由一個只著重做到完美, 不達目標誓不罷休, 到盡己所能, 明白有些東西不能控制, 而且懂得善待同事的大廚, 並實踐 ‘We do what we do’的精髓。最後, 編劇沒有交代究竟主角開的餐廳能否贏得'三星米芝蓮', 但你真正明瞭何謂 ‘we do what we do’後,就會放下所謂外間的掌聲, 因為你已得到了滿足, 也使服務對象嚐過了美好。